
How to Control The Feed Pellet Quality During Pelletization

The production property of animal is closely related to the feed pellet quality. Most breeders concern how to correctly use the feed pellet mill to produce the high quality feed pellets. The equipment inspection and maintenance and modulating technology are two main factors.

  •  Inspect the wear pattern of ring die and compression roller. The wear of compression roller will affect the production capacity; the undue wear of ring die will decrease its effective thickness and influence the feed pellet quality. 
  • Regularly check the crusher roller. The excessive wear of corrugated toothed ring decreases the crushing ability. 
  • Examine the cutter of feed pellet mill. The cutter wear will increase the feed powder.
  • Inspect the steam separator to ensure the steam quality. 
  • Inspect whether there is material backlog and screen surface damage in pellet cooler. 
  • Examine the grading screen surface. The clogging and sticking of screen surface will affect the grading effect of feed pellets. 

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